Shree Ram Sealing Engineers

Transformer Oil leaks repair Services

Transformer Oil Leak Services
Transformer Oil Leak Services
Transformer Oil Leak Services
Transformer Oil Leak Services

We Help your assets for a better life cycle

Expert Transformer Oil Leak Repair Services


The classic repair technique is to take the transformer out of service, drain the oil (usually thousands of gallons), remove radiators, remove bushings, etc. Taking equipment out of service for weeks at a time, and utilizing large substation crews, cranes, tankers, vacuum fill-oil processing trailers, etc. can be a costly endeavor. Today’s electric utility management is monitoring expenses closely. Transmission operations are wheeling power from far away generation sources to the local utility distribution load centers. Outages on transmission equipment are closely scheduled, and lengthy outages are not granted on short notice for emergent repairs. The operations staff are coming to the maintenance staff asking for other solutions to address these oil leak repairs.

How We Do It

We start by thoroughly inspecting the transformer to identify the source of the oil leak using various methods such as visual inspections, thermal imaging, ultrasonic testing, and pressure testing.
The area around the leak is prepared by cleaning the surface, removing any dirt or rust, and applying a coating to seal off the leak’s immediate vicinity.
We then use a specialized injection tool to apply the leak sealing material to the leak site. This material, usually a polymer resin or epoxy, flows into the leak and hardens to form a seal.
The sealing material is allowed to cure. The curing time can vary depending on the material used and the size of the leak.
After the seal has dried, we inspect the system to ensure the leak has been fully sealed. This may involve pressure testing, flow monitoring, or other types of testing to confirm the seal is holding.

Benefits of Our Services

No hot work required, ensuring a safer repair process.
Our sealing materials offer strong resistance to various chemicals, enhancing the durability of the repair.
Our approach simplifies the maintenance process, reducing the overall maintenance costs.
By preventing oil leaks, we help prolong the service life of your transformers, reducing the need for costly replacements.
Our cold welding compounds can repair various metals and surfaces, forming a high-strength, permanent weld that can be filed, sanded, painted, and drilled after curing.

Our Solution

At Shree Ram Sealing Engineers, we offer specialized transformer oil leak services that minimize downtime and reduce costs. Our advanced cold welding technology provides a fast, effective, and permanent solution for sealing transformer oil leaks without the need for extensive disassembly or oil drainage.

Why Choose Us?

  • Quick and Efficient Repairs:

    Our methods eliminate the need to take transformers out of service for weeks. Instead, we offer a rapid solution that keeps your operations running smoothly.

  • Cost-Effective:

    Avoid the high costs associated with traditional repair methods, including the expense of large crews and specialized equipment.

  • Environmental Safety:

    By preventing oil leaks, we help protect the environment from potential oil contamination.

  • Minimal Downtime:

    Our solutions are designed to get your transformers back in service quickly, reducing the impact on your operations.

  • Non-Invasive Methods:

    Using our cold welding technology, we can repair leaks without the need for hot work, ensuring a safer maintenance process.

Transformer Oil Leak Services Provider

Transformer Oil Leak Services

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Transformer Oil Leak Services Provider

Transformer Oil Leak Services

Online Leak Sealing Services

Transformer Oil Leak Services Provider

Transformer Oil Leak Services

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